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Registration Wizards including Parents: Step by Step

When registering a child, it can often be beneficial to name or even register one or both parents at the same time.

In this guide, we will create a Registration Wizard for a child with two parents, and a Registration Wizard for additional children within the same family, i.e. with the same parents.

For further guidance about Registration Wizards with Parents, visit this guide: Registration Wizards: Parents

For further guidance about Registration Wizards in general, visit this guide: How to Create a Registration Wizard


First, we need to create a Member List to restrict our first Registration Wizard.

  1. Navigate to Email > Member List Manager.

  2. Click “Add new”.

  3. Create a Member List that will never have anyone in it. This is so that the Registration Wizard can be limited to the public only. It should look something like this:

  4. Click “Save”.

Next, we need to create our first Registration Wizard for registering a child with their parent/s.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Registration Wizards.

  2. Click “Create New”.

  3. Enter the name of the Registration Wizard.

  4. Available to the public: Make sure this is checked.

  5. Restricted to Member List: Select the Member List created above (steps 1-4) from the dropdown.

  6. Title: Enter a title to appear at the top of the Registration Wizard.

  7. Child Registration: Make sure “Show child registration hints by default” is checked.

  8. Next to “(No section title)”, click the yellow pencil button.

  9. Enter the title “First Child”.

  10. Select an appropriate icon.

  11. Click “OK”

  12. Click Add Element > Name.

  13. Click “OK”

  14. Click Add Element > Date of Birth.

  15. Click “OK”

  16. Click Add Element > Gender.

  17. Click “OK”

  18. Click “Add Section”.

  19. Leave the fields blank and click “OK”.

  20. Click Add Element > Address.

  21. Save To: Check “Main User” and “Parent 1” only.

  22. Click “OK”

  23. Click Add Element > Email Addresses.

  24. Save To: Check “Main User” and “Parent 1” only.

  25. Click “OK”

  26. Click Add Element > Telephone Numbers.

  27. Check “Require at least one phone number to be supplied”.

  28. Save To: Check “Main User” and “Parent 1” only.

  29. Click “OK”

  30. Click “Add Section”.

  31. Leave the fields blank and click “OK”.

  32. Click Add Element > Membership Request.

  33. Available Membership Categories: Set this to “Only” and select any Membership Category that is available only to juniors/children that you want to include. Learn more about Membership Categories in this guide: How to Create a New Membership Category

  34. Target User: This should be set to “Main User”.

  35. Click “OK”

  36. Click “Add Section”.

  37. Enter the title “Parent 1 (You)”.

  38. Select an appropriate icon.

  39. Click “OK”

  40. Click Add Element > Parent.

  41. Which parent is this: Set to “Parent 1”.

  42. Default from logged in user: Set to “No”.

  43. Parent is registrant: Set to “Yes”.

  44. Click “OK”

  45. Click Add Element > Username & Password.

  46. Click “OK”

  47. Click “Add Section”.

  48. Enter the title “Parent 2”.

  49. Select an appropriate icon.

  50. Click “OK”

  51. Click Add Element > Parent.

  52. Which parent is this: Set to “Parent 2”.

  53. Default from logged in user: Set to “No”.

  54. Parent is registrant: Set to “No”.

  55. Click “OK”

  56. Click Add Element > Email Addresses.

  57. Save To: Check “Parent 2” only.

  58. Click “OK”

  59. Click Add Element > Telephone Numbers.

  60. For each phone number, make sure “Value should default to that of logged-in user, where possible” is not checked.

  61. Check “Require at least one phone number to be supplied”.

  62. Save To: Check “Parent 2” only.

  63. Click “OK”

  64. Click “Add Section”.

  65. Leave the fields blank and click “OK”.

  66. Click Add Element > Family Group.

  67. Make sure “Hide input controls” is checked.

  68. Click “OK”

  69. Click “Add Section”.

  70. Enter the title “Consents”.

  71. Select an appropriate icon

  72. Click “OK”

  73. Click Add Element > Mandatory System Consents.

  74. Click “OK”

  75. Click Add Element > Agreements.

  76. Click “OK”

  77. Click Add Element > Messaging Consents.

  78. Click “OK”

  79. Click Add Element > Non-Messaging Consents.

  80. Click “OK”

  81. Click “Add Section”.

  82. Enter the title “Summary”.

  83. Select an appropriate icon.

  84. Click “OK”

  85. Click Add Element > Registration Summary.

  86. Click “Save Changes”.

Now we need to create another Member List, this one will restrict the second Registration Wizard.

  1. Navigate to Email > Member List Manager.

  2. Click “Add new”.

  3. Create a Member List that shows anyone who is a parent. This is so that the Registration Wizard can be limited to parents. It should look something like this:

  4. Click “Save”.

We now need to create the Registration Wizard for registering additional children within the same family.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Registration Wizards.

  2. Next to the Registration Wizard created earlier in this guide, click “Copy”.

  3. Edit the name of the Registration Wizard.

  4. Add a description about the Registration Wizard.

  5. Available to the public: Make sure this is not checked.

  6. Restricted to Member List: Select the Member List created above (steps 91-94) from the dropdown.

  7. Title: Enter a title to appear at the top of the Registration Wizard.

  8. Child Registration: Make sure “Show child registration hints by default” is checked.

  9. Next to the “First Child” section heading click the yellow pencil to edit it.

  10. Title: Change the Title to “Child”.

  11. Click “OK”

  12. In the second section (that has no title), edit the Address element by clicking the pencil in the top right of the element.

  13. Make sure “Value should default to that of logged-in user, where possible” is checked.

  14. Save To: Check “Main User” only.

  15. Check “Hide input controls”.

  16. Click “OK”

  17. Edit the Email Address element by clicking the pencil in the top right of the element.

  18. Make sure “Value should default to that of logged-in user, where possible” is checked for Email 1 and Email 2.

  19. Save To: Check “Main User” only.

  20. Click “OK”

  21. Edit the Telephone Numbers element by clicking the pencil in the top right of the element.

  22. Make sure “Value should default to that of logged-in user, where possible” is checked for all phone numbers.

  23. Save To: Check “Main User” only.

  24. Click “OK”

  25. In the third section (that has no title and contains the Membership Request element), next to the heading, click the yellow pencil to edit it.

  26. Title: Change the Title to “Membership”.

  27. Click “OK”

  28. Delete the “Parent 1 (You)”, “Parent 2”, and “Consents” sections by clicking the red cross to the right of each of their section titles.

  29. In the section holding the Family Group element, click Add Element > Parent.

  30. Which parent is this: Set to “Parent 1”.

  31. Default from logged in user: Set to “Yes”.

  32. Click “OK”

  33. Click Add Element > Parent.

  34. Which parent is this: Set to “Parent 2”.

  35. Default from logged in user: Set to “Yes”.

  36. Click “OK”

  37. Scroll to the top of all the sections and click “Re-order Elements”.

  38. Drag the “Membership” section so that is right above the “Summary” section.

  39. Click “OK”

  40. Scroll to the bottom and click “Save Changes”.

Finally, we need to add the “Next steps” options to both Registration Wizards.

  1. You should already be there, but if not, navigate to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Registration Wizards.

  2. Next to the first Registration Wizard created above, click “Edit”.

  3. Scroll down to the “Completion” section.

  4. Registration Complete Message: Enter a message to be shown when the Registration Wizard is completed similar to “First child registration completed. If you wish to register another child, please follow the link below.”

  5. Below “Next Steps” click “Add”.

  6. Link: Select the second Registration Wizard created above, it will start with “Register:” followed by the name you gave in step 97 above.

  7. Select an appropriate icon.

  8. Click “OK”

  9. Below “Next Steps” click “Add”.

  10. Link: Select “My Profile” from the dropdown.

  11. Click “OK”

  12. Below “Next Steps” click “Add”.

  13. Link: Select “Events Calendar” from the dropdown.

  14. Click “OK”

  15. Scroll to the bottom and click “Save Changes”.

  16. Next to the second Registration Wizard created above, click “Edit”.

  17. Scroll down to the “Completion” section.

  18. Registration Complete Message: Enter a message to be shown when the Registration Wizard is completed similar to “Registration completed. If you wish to register another child, please follow the link below.”

  19. Repeat steps 136 to 146 on the second Registration Wizard.

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