How to Set up Late Season/Pro-Rata Discounts (Partial Rate Calculations)

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How to Set up Late Season/Pro-Rata Discounts (Partial Rate Calculations)

Many clubs with an annual seasonal membership like to offer a discount to new joiners who are joining late in the season and therefore for only part of the membership year. myClubhouse can automatically calculate and apply discounts to late joiners based on a set of rules which you apply to the membership category.



How to create a partial rate calculation rule:

  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site with an Administrator-level account.

  2. Navigate to the Membership Categories (admin) page:

    1. by default this is under the Subscriptions menu.

    2. or type “/Admin/Membership/Categories” into your browser’s address bar e.g.


    3. or use the Search tool in the toolbar to search for Membership Categories.


  3. Select a membership category from the list that you want to edit and click the yellow “Edit” button from the right-hand column.

    Note: Partial rate calculations can only be applied to membership categories which have a variable start date and a fixed end date e.g. Start Date: “User Selects”, End Date: “Season End”.

  4. From the Edit Category page, scroll about half-way down to the tabs and click on the “Costs” tab.


  5. Find “Partial Rate Calculation” and click on the green “+” button to add a new calculation rule.

    Note: If “Partial Rate Caculation” is not shown on the page, please go to the “Start Date & Repeat Period” tab and check that you have selected a variable start date and a fixed end date.

  6. A pop-up will appear and you should start by giving the calculation a Name and Description. If you can keep the rules fairly generic, you may be able to use the same Calculation for mutiple membership categories, so bear this in mind when naming and describing your Calculation.


  7. Next you should add the first rule. You can have as many rules as you like. Different rules can kick-in on different dates.
    In this example our club season starts on 1st April and our Calculation will be made up of two rules:

    1. The first rule is that a discount will be applied for those joining from 1st August onwards, they should pay two thrids of the full annual rate.

    2. The second rule will kick in on 1st October where late joiners will pay half the full annual rate.

  8. Here is how we set up the first rule:

    1. 1st August is 122 days after the season start date (1st April) so we set it to be from “122” days “after start” of season.

    2. Two thirds is approximately 67% of the full annual rate so we choose “Flate Rate Percentage” and set it to “67”%:


  9. Next click the green “+ Add Rule” button to set up the second rule.

  10. Here’s how we set up the second rule:

    1. 1st October is 183 days after the season start date (1st April) so we set it to be from “183” days “after start” of season.

    2. Half is 50% of the full annual rate so we choose “Flate Rate Percentage” and set it to “50”%:


  11. We are now ready to test; click on the green “Test Calculation” button


  12. Enter your season start date and a full annual rate (you can try any rate) and click “Run Test”:


  13. A table of results will appear showing how much someone would pay if they joined at different dates throughout the year:

    The first thing to check is that the different rules kick in on the correct dates. In the example above, we set the rules to start 122 and 183 days after the season start date and we wanted this to mean the rules would be applied from 1st August and 1st October (assuming season start date is 1st April). We can see from the Start Date Range above that this has worked correctly. The table shows us:

    1. For someone joining between 1st April and 31st July 2020, they would have a subscription that ended on 31st March 2021 and the cost would be the full annual rate of £300.

    2. If someone were to join between 1st August and 30th September 2020, they would have a subscription that ended on 31st March 2021 and the cost would be £201 (67% of the full annual rate).

    3. If someone were to join between 1st October 2020 and 31st March 2021 the subscription would end on 31st March 2021 and they would be charged £150 which is 50% of the full annual rate.

  14. Once you are happy with your test click “Close”.

  15. On the Edit Membership Rate Calculation pop-up click “Save Changes”.

  16. The Partial Rate Calculation as has been saved and applied to your membership category:

    Note: the drop-down box allows you to select from all partial rate calculations you may have saved. The buttons to the right allow you to:

    1. Add a new parital rate calculation

    2. Copy the partial rate calculation and modify it to create a new one

    3. Edit the currently selected partial rate calculation

    4. Test the current partial rate calculation.


Other Types of Rules

Extend to include next year

This rule allows you to charge for a membership that starts towards the end of the current season and finishes at the end of the next season. E.g. If your season starts on 1st April each year and someone wants to join in March, you would start their membership in March this year and end it on 31st March next year.

The amount charged for this rule will be added on to the full annual rate for next year.

Following on from the example above, if we start the rule on 1st March, we can choose to give the rest of March free and charge the full rate from 1st April as follows:

In the third rule above, we have counted 30 days back from the end of the season. We have checked the box “Extend to include next year” and we have set the cost to £0. This means the new joiner starting in the last 30 days of the season effectively gets those last few days free and then pays the full rate for the following season.

Here is the test calculation:

Note that those starting from 1st March 2021 - 31st March 2021 will pay the full annual rate of £300 but their End Date will be 31st March 2022.

Monthly/Weekly/Daily Pro-rata Discounts

The pro-rata rules will decrease the cost by a fixed amount each period. You set the starting cost and the minimum cost for the discount.

In the following example the first rule kicks in 180 days after the start of the season and the new joiner would be charge £100. As each week the passes the cost is reduced by £3 until it reaches the minimum rate of £30.

Here is a test calculation:

In the example the season starts on 1st January and for those starting in the first 180 days (from 1st January - 28th June) the full annual rate of £200 will be charged.

From the 29th June onwards, a parital rate calculation is applied. This starts at £100 and is reduced by £3 per week.

This weekly reduction continues until 14th December, when the minimum rate of £30 is reached. Anyone joining between 14th - 31st December would be charged £30.

Monthly and Daily pro-rata rules work in excatly the same way, with the cost being reduced on a monthly or daily basis.

Flat Rate Amount Partial Rate Calculations

For a flat rate amount calculation, you set a fixed cost for anyone joining within the time frame. In the rule below anyone joining 180 days after the start of the season would be charged a fixed rate of £100:

The second rule (below) sets the rate to £50 for anyone joining 270 days after the start of the season:

The final rule charges £20 for anyone joining in the last 60 days of the season, but they must also pay the full rate for the following year:

Here is a test calculation based on these rules:

In the test above, we set the season start date to be 1st January and the Full Annual Rate to be £250. The Results table shows:

  • Anyone joining from 1st January - 28th June would pay the full annual rate of £250 and their membership would end on 31st December the same year (the season end date).

  • Anyone joining between 29th June and 26th September would pay the Flat Rate Amount of £100 as set in the first rule and their membership would end on 31st December the same year (the season end date).

  • Anyone joining between 27th September and 31st October would pay the Flat Rate Amount of £50 as set in the second rule and their membership would end on 31st December the same year (the season end date).

  • Anyone joining between 1st November and 31st December would pay the Flat Rate Amount of £20 (for the rest of the season) + the full annual rate of £250 for the following season (total £270) and their membership would end on 31st December the following year. This was stipulated in the third rule which had ‘Extend to include next year’ checked.

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