How to Put myClubhouse onto Your Own Domain

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How to Put myClubhouse onto Your Own Domain

This article is for clients who already have a domain name (e.g. http://www.mydomain.com) and are probably running an existing site on that domain. Clients may want their myClubhouse to replace their existing site, or they may want it to run alongside it on a subdomain, e.g. https://members.mydomain.com.


Most of the work will need to be done by us, but here’s what we need from you:

  1. Please tell us the exact domain name you want to use for your myClubhouse site. This may be

    1. your main domain e.g. https://www.mydomain.com, or

    2. a subdomain or your main domain (so that you can keep your existing site) e.g. https://members.mydomain.com - you can choose anything you like for the subdomain (the part in bold), many clients just go for “my”.

  2. If you have not already registered the domain name and you would like us to take care of things, we are happy can register it for you. Costs vary depending on the type of domain e.g. .co.uk, .org.uk, .club, .com etc. and how many years you pay for. Most clients will have registered it themselves and usually choose to do the administration themselves. Please let us know either way.

  3. You will need an SSL security certificate for the domain or subdomain that you have chosen in step 1. We will need to purchase and install this for you on our servers. Even if you already have an SSL, we will still need to get it re-issued and installed on our servers. Choose your term from 1 to 5 years; full SSL pricing here.

  4. Once we have installled the SSL certificate we will need to make some DNS changes to get your domain to point to your myClubhouse site on our servers. We will let you know when we are ready to do this.

    1. To make DNS changes you will need to access your Advanced DNS Settings. These are usually with your registrar (where you bought your domain name).

    2. If you are comfortable making DNS changes, please follow the steps below, if not, please send us some login details for your registrar control panel and we will be happy to make the changes for you.

  5. DNS Settings:

    1. Only do this when we have notified you that the site is ready.

    2. Log in to your registrar control panel

    3. Go to Advanced DNS Settings (all registrars are different, but you are looking for DNS or Advanced Settings).

    4. You need to add A records for the following

      1. if whole domain: 





(on some control panels you need to leave this blank or use “@”, or “~”)


(on some control panels you just enter “www” or “*.mydomain.com”)

ii. or for sub-domain:






(on some control panels you just enter “members”)

e. Verify your settings using Google Dig: https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/dig/

It can take up to 48 hours for DNS settings to propogate around the internet. Some ISPs even cache websites for several days. A good way to test if the changes have taken effect can be to try connecting using mobile data. 

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