How to Convert from Free Trial to Annual Licence

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How to Convert from Free Trial to Annual Licence

So your free trial is coming to an end and you’ve decided to go ahead with an annual licence - great news! We will send you an invoice and all you need to do is pay it and we’ll do the rest.

We bill annually, in advance, and your first 6 months is protected by our 100% Money-back Guarantee. You are welcome to pay by quarterly or monthly instalments for a 10% surcharge, but your commitment is for 12 months.

We have a fantastic referral bonus offer which is a great way to reduce your annual licence cost.

Please see our full Terms & Conditions for more information on billing.

What Do We Need to Know?

We need a few pieces of information in order to send you your invoice:

1. Your appoximate number of members

The cost of your licence is based on the number of members in your organisation. For your initial licence you can base this on your previous year’s membership or your best guess.

We count all “active” human members, whether they have an individual membership or are part of a joint, group or family membership.

For non-standard club set-ups, please see our Fair Usage Policy and chat with us to discuss.

Full pricing details are available here.

2. Any optional add-on modules you would like

Priced individually, our optional add-on modules can turn myClubhouse from a membership site into a one-stop-shop for all your website needs. Please pick from the options here.

3. The Person to Whom We Should Send the Invoice

This is often the Club Treasurer or your Main myClubhouse Administrator. Please send us:

  • Their full name

  • Their email address

  • Their postal address (we will send the invoice by email, but we need this for our accounts). Postal address may be c/o your club’s address

4. The Domain You Want to Use

Your free trial always starts off in a subdirectory of our own domain, myclubhouse.co.uk, giving a URL or something like https://www.myclubhouse.co.uk/ExampleClub.

If you want to continue using our domain, there is no extra charge for this. We prefer to move our permanent clients to a subdomain e.g. https://exampleClub.myclubhouse.co.uk.

If you want to use your own domain, that is great. This requires that we purchase and install an SSL security certificate, so costs a little extra. You may want to use your own domain or a subdirectory of it. For more details, please see How to Put myClubhouse onto Your Own Domain .

So please tell us which if the following 4 options you would like to go for:

  1. myClubhouse subdirectory, e.g. https://www.myclubhouse.co.uk/ExampleClub

  2. myClubhouse subdomain, e.g. https://exampleClub.myclubhouse.co.uk

  3. Your own domain, e.g. https://www.exampleClub.org.uk*

  4. A subdirectory of your own domain e.g. https://my.exampleClub.org.uk*

*SSL required.

If option 3 or 4 is selected, for the SSL certificate, please let us know how many years you would like to purchase (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years). SSL pricing here.

5. Your Licence Start Date

If you have not completed set-up during the free trial period, you will need to set your licence to start before you continue with your set-up and launch to your members, as the site needs to be active for you to do this.

Don’t forget we offer a FREE site set-up service, but we can only do this when your site is active, either during your free trial period or after your annual licence has begun.

Free Site Set-up Service
Please contact us to help you with your site set-up, this is completely free of charge, even during your free trial. We will help you set up your Membership Categories, Forms and Custom Data Fields, Payment Methods etc. We can also import any existing data you may have and help you launch the site to your committee and members (if required). Please just put a request in on our Service Desk.

Formal Request

Once you are ready, please launch a formal request for an annual licence using our Service Desk. Select Licencing and Billing Questions and make sure you Create an Account* on the Service Desk, before sending in your request. Ensure your request includes all 5 pieces of information listed above. To help you remember, please copy the list from the lilac panel below and paste it into your request, then fill in the blanks.

  1. Number of Members:

  2. Add-On Modules:

  3. Invoicing Person

    1. Name:

    2. Email:

    3. Postal Address:

  4. Domain

    1. Full domain name/URL:

    2. Length of SSL (if required):

  5. Licence Start Date:

*You need a separate account on the Service Desk as it is a third-party system. Your own Service Desk account is vital to receive replies and track your tickets.

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