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title1. How can I export the attendees from multiple Events?

Sometimes you want to have a list of attendees for multiple events, this can be done very easily using “Analyse Event Attendance”. To do this;

  1. Navigate to Events > Analyse Event Attendance

  2. Filter the table of all event sign-ups down to the desired results.

  3. Add or remove appropriate columns.

  4. Export.

title2. Why is there no cost for attendees when exporting the attendees for an instance of an Event series?

If you export the attendees for the series, or an instance within the series, the instance sign-up rows will be showing zero because they didn’t have a cost; the cost was charged against the whole series event. In the database, we treat series events as events in themselves and the instances also as events (with the series as the parent event). So when you view the attendees against the whole series there is one entry for the series (with the cost) and 4 individual instances (with no cost).

If the series had been set up to allow sign up to individual instances, the cost would show against the instances (where signed up to individually) and only show against the series for those that signed up using the whole series option.

title3. How do I print off a register for my Event?

You can print an attendance sheet with the basic information of each participant for the Event. You do this by clicking the “Print Attendance Sheet” button at the bottom of the Event page. Right click on the page and choose “Print” and follow your browser instructions from there.

Sometimes you want to include more information on your register than the default view. To do this, go to the bottom of the Event page and click “View/ Export Attendees” instead of “Print Attendance Sheet”. You will then be able to add and subtract the columns you want for your attendance sheet. Once happy, click on the “Export All Pages” button in the top right, open in Excel, and print it off with all the extra columns included; or just print directly from your browser.

You can learn more about Event registers in this guide here: Events: Registers/ Tracking Attendance

title4. How do I change the cost of an Event for one attendee?

You can edit the cost for any attendee; to do this:

  1. Navigate to Events > Events Calendar.

  2. Locate the appropriate Event and click on its name.

  3. Scroll down to the attendees list.

  4. Find the attendee, then click the pencil next to their cost.

  5. Change the amount.

  6. Click “OK”.

title5. How do I give a partial refund to an Event attendee after they have paid?

You can generate a partial refund by editing the cost for any attendee; to do this:

  1. Navigate to Events > Events Calendar.

  2. Locate the appropriate Event and click on its name.

  3. Scroll down to the attendees list.

  4. Find the attendee, then click the pencil next to their cost.

  5. Change the amount.

  6. Click “OK”.

  7. A refund will be created for the difference between the two amounts. You can process the refund or leave it for the member to use as a refund credit. Learn more about refunds and refund credits in this guide here: Refunds

title6. How do I change an attendee to a different Sign-up option?

Sometimes members sign up to an Event but choose the wrong option. Rather than withdrawing the attendee and signing them up again, there is an easier way.

  1. Navigate to Events > Events Calendar.

  2. Locate the appropriate Event and click on its name.

  3. Scroll down to the attendees list.

  4. Find the attendee, then click the pencil next to their cost option.

  5. Change the Option to another from the dropdown.

  6. Click “OK”.

title7. An attendee has changed to a different event, but has already paid; how can I move them?

Sometimes an attendee will start in one Event (such as a coaching course) but need to be moved to another. While you can withdraw them from one Event and sign them up to the other, this can cause problems when there are costs involved. So instead, you can use the “Move” function:

  1. Navigate to Events > Events Calendar.

  2. Locate the appropriate Event and click on its name.

  3. Scroll down to the attendees list.

  4. Find the attendee and click their “Move” button.

  5. Enter or select the date of the new Event.

  6. Select the Event from the dropdown.

  7. Click “Move Sign-up”.

Note: The Move function does not send an email to the attendee, so if you perform this action, you will need to inform them of the move.

title8. Why can’t I see how many people are signed up to my event when I’m not logged in?

The attendee count is controlled by the “Attendee Count” setting in the “Visibility” tab. If it is set to Private, only organisers and administrators can see the attendee count, otherwise if set to “Public” anyone can see it.

Similarly, the Sign-Up List can be set to “Private” (for admins and organisers) or “Members” for all current Members.

title9. How do I charge different costs for different people?

Pricing Structures allow you to set different costs for different groups of people. This can even include multiple zero-cost options within the same event, such as booking a morning or an afternoon session (but not both).

Learn more about Pricing Structures here: Pricing Structures

title10. How do I embed a myClubhouse calendar into my external website?

For an Event Feed (similar to the one on the myClubhouse home page):

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<<your myClubhouse URL>>/Scripts/myclubhouse-component.js?area=Events&amp;name=EventSidebar" width="10"></script>

For a full Event Calendar:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<<your myClubhouse URL>>/Scripts/myclubhouse-component.js?area=Events&amp;name=EventCalendar"></script>

Note: you can only include one of these on a page, not both.

The components will show Events that are visible to the public, with each Event being clickable to take the user to the Event page in myClubhouse. The full Events Calendar component also allows searching and filtering, using the filters at the top.

title11. Why is the Event sign-up not appearing in the attendee's basket?

This can happen when an attendee has signed up to an Event before costs were added, i.e. they signed up when the Event was free, but the Event has since been edited to add a cost for sign-ups. In these cases, there is no purchase/purchaser attached to the sign-up. To rectify it:

  1. Navigate to the Event page.

  2. Scroll down to the Attendees table, and the attendee who is unable to make payment.

  3. Under the Selected Option column, click the yellow pencil button next to “Standard”.

  4. Enter the name of the purchaser and select them from the dropdown. This will almost always be the attendee.

  5. Click “OK”.

  6. This should create a purchase and put the sign-up in the member’s basket. The member can then go and make payment, or you can record a manual payment.

title12. My Event doesn't require sign up but I only want members to be able to see it in the Events Calendar.

Even with sign-up turned off for an Event, you can still control the visibility settings.

  1. Navigate to the Event page.

  2. Click “Edit”.

  3. Make sure that the wizard is in “Advanced” mode in the top right.

  4. Click on the “Sign-up” tab.

  5. Temporarily set “Attendees can be signed up” to “Yes”.

  6. Click on the “Visibility” tab.

  7. Change the Event to Private.

  8. Click on the “Restrictions” tab.

  9. Change “Eligible Participants” to who you want to see the Event. In this case, “Current Members Only”.

  10. Click back to the “Sign-up” tab.

  11. Change “Attendees can be signed up” back to “No”.

  12. Click “Save and Update Event”.

  13. If it is a Series, apply the changes to all Instances.

The Event will now be shown to the correct group of users.

title13. Event Organiser can't see attendees' emergency contact details

Emergency contact details are a common use for User Attributes, however, usually not everyone has access to view members’ answers.

  1. Navigate to Forms > Forms Manager.

  2. Click “Edit” next to the Form that holds the relevant questions for the User Attributes.

  3. Click “Edit Entitlements”

  4. Grant the “View All” Entitlement to the Event Organiser, their Club Role, or a relevant Member List that they are in.

  5. Click “OK”.

  6. Click “Save & Close”.

  7. The Event Organiser will now be able to view the User Attributes for all members.

Learn more about User Attributes in this guide: How to Add Custom Fields (User Attributes) to the Member Directory
