Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Navigate to Forms > Set up Attribute Questions.

  2. Next to the Attribute Set housing the Attributes used in the conversion, click Action > Amend Answers.

  3. Work your way through the list to locate the telephone numbers and/or email addresses that are not correct. Often this is someone who has muddled up the fields or has entered multiple phone numbers with a “/” between them.

  4. Adjust the answer for any problem fields.

  5. Once you are happy that the fields are correct, return to General Club Settings and attempt the conversion again.

Registration Wizards

If you have been collecting the data for your Emergency Contact Attributes via a Registration Wizard, you will need to make an adjustment to these too:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Registration Wizards.

  2. Click “Edit” next to the appropriate Registration Wizard.

  3. Scroll down and locate the “Form” or “Form question” element that includes or included the Emergency Contact Attribute questions. If you have already deleted the Attributes as part of the conversion process, the description of the element may say “NOT FOUND”.

  4. Click on the red “X” next to the element.

    deleteElement.pngImage Added
  5. Click Add Element > Emergency Contacts.

    addElement.pngImage Added
  6. The wizard should show the settings for each field and the minimum and maximum number of Contacts required from General Club Settings.

    regwizcontactswizard.pngImage Added
  7. Make any adjustments to the caption and help text for each field.

  8. Click “OK”.

  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Changes”.

    SaveChanges.pngImage Added
  10. Repeat the steps to alter all affected Registration Wizards.


Learn more about Registration Wizards in this guide: How to Create a Registration Wizard

Adding Emergency Contacts
