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For the home page, any CMS pages, and Blog posts, you have will need to generate the SEO and Metadata manually. At the bottom of the appropriate page, click the “SEO” button and complete the wizard.


  1. Description: Enter a description of the page, including an overview of the content. If you are entering the SEO for a Blog post, the introduction would work well here.

  2. Keywords: Enter keywords that relate to the content on your page. Search engines will use these to know how to categorise your site and return it in searches.

  3. OpenGraph Metadata: This section is recommended for when links are being shared, especially through social media, to be displayed as part of the link preview.

    1. Title: The title of the page, or Blog post.

    2. Description: Enter a description of the page, including an overview of the content. If you are entering the SEO for a Blog post, the introduction would work well here.

    3. Type: Enter the type of content that the page is displaying. Website is a good default if you’re not sure.

    4. Image URL: Enter the URL of the image you want to be displayed when a link preview is shown. The best option would be to use an image from within your myClubhouse site. The File Manager is a good place to look for photos already on your site. To get the URL from na an image, right click and choose “Open Image in New Tab”, and copy the URL from there.

    5. URL: Enter the URL for the page.

  4. Custom Meta Tags: As there are Meta tags are snippets of code that tell search engines important information about your web page, such as the title, description, author, copyright, and more. As there is such a wide variety of meta tags available, you can add the ones you want to use here.

    1. Add Custom Tag: Click to add a new custom tag.

      1. Name: Name the tag.

      2. Value: Enter the content for the tag.

      3. Delete Tag: Click to delete the custom tag.

  5. Save Changes: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the SEO fields.
