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Read about other CMS Widgets in this guide here: CMS Widgets


Read more about CMS pages, and customising the Home page here: CMS

Table of Contents

Adding the Widget

  1. In a new block or column, click “Widget”.

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  2. Select “News & Announcements” in the Widget list.

  3. Click “OK”.

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  4. Hover over the widget and click the “Cog” in the top right-hand corner.

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  5. Complete the Wizard:

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    1. Caption: Set the title of the widget that will appear at the top of it.

    2. Icon: Choose an Icon to appear alongside the Caption at the top of the widget.

    3. Announcement Count: Set the maximum number of Announcements to show in the widget. There will be a “more” button at the bottom to expand to show the rest. If blank, all Announcements will be shown.

    4. Show Author: Set if the author of each Announcement should be shown.

    5. Colours: Set the colours for the widget.

      1. Icon: Select a colour for the Icon next to the Caption.

        1. Default: The default colour settings for the widget.

        2. Reference Colour: Select a colour based on the Primary or Secondary colour, as set in Site Styles & Colours.

        3. Select Colour: Select any colour from the colour picker. You can also set the opacity using the slider to the right of the picker.

        4. Black: Set the colour to black.

        5. White: Set the colour to white.

      2. Caption: Select the colour for the Caption at the top of the widget.

      3. Underline: Select a colour for the line beneath the Caption.

      4. Text: Select the text colour for the widget.

      5. Background: Select the background colour of the Blog Feed.

      6. Border: Select the colour of the Feed borders.

    6. Page Jump Links: You can add a button at the top of the page to jump to this component when clicked. Enter the link name (for the link itself) and the caption (for the button).

    7. Device Visibility: This page element can be hidden on devices of different sizes by de-selecting the appropriate options. E.g. If you do not want it displayed on mobile phones, de-select the “Phones” option.

    8. Custom CSS: If you have added any custom CSS in Site Styles & Colours, you can add CSS classes here that you want to be applied to this component.

    9. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to show the widget with the new settings.

New Announcements

  1. Navigate to


  1. Information > Manage


  1. Announcements.

  2. Complete the Wizard:

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    1. Title: The title of the Announcement.

    2. Text: The main text of the Announcement. This has the text-based formatting options to help tailor the content. You can also use HTML to edit if you wish.

    3. Expiry: Set when the Announcement will expire. If left bank, the Announcement will never expire. There are also handy buttons for 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year, from today.

    4. Post Announcement: Once happy with the details, click to post.

Live Announcements

This section allows you to review all current Announcements as well as those that have expired.


Page Properties

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