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  1. Navigate to the Booking Grid of your Booking System.

  2. Click “Bulk Create Bookings”.

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  3. Complete the wizard:

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    1. From Date: Set the date that you want the Bookings to begin.

    2. Until Date: Set the date you want the Bookings to end.

    3. Days: Select which days of the week the Bookings will be made on.

    4. Start Time: Set the start time for all of the Bookings. If you have a range of Start Times, you will have to create each set of Bookings separately.

    5. End Time: Set the end time for all of the Bookings. If you have a range of End Times, you will have to create each set of Bookings separately.

    6. Asset Type: Select the Asset Type to select Assets.

    7. Assets: Select the Assets you want to book.

    8. Rotate Assets: If set to “No”, one Booking will be created per Asset per Day. If set to “Yes”, one Booking will be created each day with the Asset being selected in turn from the selection above.

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      1. Start on Asset: Select which of your chosen Assets to start on when the Bookings are generated.

    9. Usage: Select the Booking Usage for all the Bookings.

    10. Booking User: Enter Start typing the name of who the member to whom the Bookings belong to and select their name , then select them from the dropdown. The default will be the user making the Bulk Bookings.

    11. Generate Bookings Preview: Once happy with the criteria, click “Generate Bookings Preview”.

    12. Bookings Preview: This shows all the Bookings that will be created when confirmed. Any issues are shown if you are overriding any of the Booking Rules for the booking user. Clashes are also indicated so you can ensure that you don’t double book any Assets.

      1. Dustbin: Click the dustbin next to any Bookings that you want to remove and therefore not book.

      2. Remove all bookings that clash: Click to remove any Bookings that overlap with any existing Bookings in the Booking System.

      3. Remove all bookings with issues: Click to remove any Bookings that are going to break any Booking Rules.

    13. OK: Once happy with all of the Bookings in the Preview, click “OK” to book them.

  4. Users will be notified by email that their Booking has been made using the “BOOKING_NEW_ACK” Auto-generated Email.


  1. Navigate to the Booking Grid of your Booking System.

  2. Click “Bulk Amend Bookings”.

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  3. Complete the wizard:

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    1. From Date: Set the start date for which Bookings will be amended.

    2. Until Date: Set the end date for which Bookings will be amended.

    3. Filters: Select filters to determine which Bookings will be amended.

      1. Day of Week: Select days of the week as a filter for the Bookings that will be amended.

      2. Booking Time: Select the time range as a filter for the Bookings that will be amended.

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      3. Asset Type: Select the Asset Types as a filter for the Bookings that will be amended.

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      4. Asset: Select which Assets to include as a filter for the Bookings that will be amended.

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      5. Usage: Select the Booking Usages to include as a filter for the Bookings that will be amended.

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    4. Changes: Select the changes that you want to make to ALL Bookings that match the criteria selected above.

      1. Date: Enter how many days to move the Bookings by. Positive numbers will move the Bookings further into the future, negative numbers will move them further into the past relative to their current Booking date.

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      2. Times: Enter how many minutes to move the Bookings by. Positive numbers will move the Bookings further into the future, negative numbers will move them further into the past relative to their current Booking time.

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      3. Duration: Enter or select from the dropdown the new duration for the Bookings.

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      4. Asset: Set which Assets should be mapped to other Assets. These will apply to all Bookings included in the amendment.

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      5. Usage: Set which Usages should be mapped to other Usages. These will apply to all Bookings included in the amendment.

    5. Preview Changes: Once happy with the criteria and changes, click “Preview Changes”.

    6. Booking Change Preview: This shows all the Bookings that will be amended when confirmed.

      1. Dustbin: Click the dustbin next to any Bookings that you don’t want to amend.

    7. OK: Once happy with all of the Bookings in the Preview, click “OK” to amend them.

  4. Users will be notified by email that their Booking has been edited using the “BOOKING_CHANGE” Auto-generated Email.
