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  1. Navigate to “Admin” > “Settings” > “Branches “Set Up Sections & Sections”Branches”.

  2. Click the toggle next to “Club has Branches”.

  3. Branch (singular): Set the term for a single Branch if you want it to be something different, e.g. “Region”.

  4. Branches (plural): Set the term for multiple Branches.

  5. Branch Required: If set to “Yes”, every member must be assigned to a Branch.

  6. Branch Hierarchy: Drag and drop to reorder the Branches. If you have a sub-Branch within a Branch, you can move it to a different Branch or to a Root Branch here.

  7. Add Root Branch: Click to add a new top level Branch. Complete the wizard.

    1. Name: The name of the Branch.

    2. Code: A short code to represent the Branch.

    3. Description: A short description of the Branch.

    4. Address: The address for the Branch.

    5. Auto-allocation: This allows you to set up the matching rules to automatically select a Branch for new applicants based on their address. Click “Configure” to complete the wizard.

      1. Street: Set a rule based on a user’s street name. Enter one or multiple strings more text values to be checked against. If entering multiple stringstext values, separate each one with a comma or semi-colon.

        1. Contains: The user’s street must contain one of the strings text values to match.

        2. Equals: The user’s street must be exactly the same as one of the strings text values to match.

        3. Starts with: The start of the user’s street must be the same as one of the strings text values to match.

        4. Ends with: The end of the user’s street must be the same as one of the strings text values to match.

        5. Matches Regular Expression: Use a Regular Expression in place of a list of strings text values to check against for the rule. Learn more about Regular Expressions syntax here: Regular Expression Language

        6. Case Sensitive: If checked, the strings values will only be true considered a match if the case matches. E.g. If the user enters “main street”, but the rule is “Main Street”, it would not return a match.

      2. Town: Set a rule based on a user’s town. Enter one or multiple strings text values to be checked against. If entering multiple stringstext values, separate each one with a comma or semi-colon.

      3. County: Set a rule based on a user’s county. Enter one or multiple strings text values to be checked against. If entering multiple stringstext values, separate each one with a comma or semi-colon.

      4. Country: Set a rule based on a user’s country. Enter one or multiple strings text values to be checked against. If entering multiple stringstext values, separate each one with a comma or semi-colon.

      5. Postcode: Set a rule based on a user’s postcode. Enter one or multiple strings text values to be checked against. If entering multiple stringstext values, separate each one with a comma or semi-colon.

      6. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the auto-allocation rules.

    6. Icon: Select an icon to represent the Branch.

    7. Colour: Select a colour to represent the Branch.

    8. Email address: Enter the main contact email address for the Branch.

    9. Sections: If Sections are turned on, you can select which Sections belong to this Branch.

    10. Can be selected: Leave checked so the Branch can be selected when a user registers.

    11. Is Obsolete: Leave unchecked so the Branch can be used.

    12. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Branch.

  8. Add Branch Under: Select a Branch in the Branch Hierarchy diagram. Click “Add Branch under …” to add a new Branch as a sub-Branch of the selected Branch. The wizard is the same as in Step 7.

  9. Repeat steps 7 and/or 8 to add more Branches.


  1. Navigate to the member’s profile. The site-wide search is great for this, or you can use the Member Directory.

  2. At the top of the page, click the pencil next to the member’s current branch, or next to “Branch”No Branch assigned.

  3. Select the new Branch.

  4. Click the green tick to save.


  1. Navigate to “Admin” > “Settings” > “Branches “Set Up Sections & Sections”Branches”.

  2. Click the toggle next to “Club has Sections”.

  3. Section (singular): Set the term for a single Section if you want it to be something different, e.g. “Sport”.

  4. Sections (plural): Set the term for multiple Sections.

  5. Add Section: Click to add a new a new Section. Complete the wizard.

    1. Name: The name of the Section.

    2. Description: A short description about of the Section.

    3. Season Start: Select the date that this Section’s season begins.

    4. Icon: Select an icon to represent the Section.

    5. Colour: Select a colour to represent the Section.

    6. Membership Secretary: Select the user who is Membership Secretary for this Section.

    7. Is Obsolete: Leave unchecked so the Section can be used.

    8. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Section.
