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  1. Click the green “Add Product” button.

  2. Settings: Set the basic fields for the Product.

    1. Vendor: Select a Vendor that this Product will be sold by.

    2. Name: The name of the Product.

    3. Product Type: Select which type the Product will be.

      1. Physical Product: A tangible item such as an item of clothing.

      2. Tokens: Tokens to pay for other things within the site, such as Event sign-ups. Note: Tokens require the Tokens Payments Add-on Module.

      3. Document: A document, such as a certificate.

      4. Other non-physical product: Any other intangible Product, such as a raffle entry.

    4. Departments: Select which Department/s the Product will be listed under. You can select more than one if you wish.

  3. Details: Set the core details for the Product.

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    1. Description: A description of the Product. This can be written and formatted using the WYSIWYG editor or in HTML.

    2. Custom browse description: If set to yes, you can write an alternative description for the Browse Shop page, rather than a truncated version of the main Description above.

    3. Images: Add images of the Product. You can use images already uploaded to the site or upload new ones. The main image will be used on the Browse Shop page, while the rest will be on the Product page.

    4. Manufacturer: Enter the name of the person/ company who makes the product. This field is optional.

    5. Product Code: Enter a code for the Product to help identify it. This field is optional.

    6. Quantity Units: Enter how much of the Product is sold at a time. E.g. 1kg, pack of 2, etc.

  4. Pricing: Set the costs for the Product.

    1. How can members pay for the product: Select whether this Product can be paid for with money and/or Tokens. Note: Tokens require the Tokens Payments Add-on Module.

    2. Price: Enter how much the Product costs.

    3. RRP: Enter the recommended retail price, especially if you want to show that you are selling it for less! This field is optional.

    4. Has Flexible Cost: If this is set to yes, administrators will be able to adjust the cost of the Product when adding it to their own, or another User’s basket.

    5. Token Reward: Set any Token rewards for the Product. These will be added to the User’s account if they purchase this Product. Note: Tokens require the Tokens Payments Add-on Module.

      1. Tokens per unit purchase: The number of Tokens given to the User when they buy this Product. If they purchase more than one, this will be per unit.

      2. Token Expiry: Set when the awarded Tokens will expire. If left blank, the Tokens will not have an expiry date.

    6. Product Categories: Set the Product Category for the Product. This can be used to make analysing financial data easier, as well as setting up Discounts. Learn more about Product Categories and Discounts in these guides: Product Categories | Discounts

  5. Variants: Some Products come in different colours, sizes, or other variations. This option is not shown if the Product Type is set to “Tokens” or “Document”.

    1. Variants: Select the number of Variants the Product has. Once this has been saved, it will not be able to be changed.

      1. Single: Select “Single” if there are no Variants for the Product, meaning it only comes as is, there are no alternatives in colour, size etc.

      2. Multiple: Select “Multiple” to add up to two different Variants to the Product, with unlimited options for each.

        1. Name: Enter the name of the Variant. In this example, “Size” is used.

        2. Options: Click the green plus to add more options for the Variant. In this example, Small, Medium, and Large are the Options for the Size Variant. You can also change the order of the Options using the arrows to move individual Options up or down.

    2. Forms: You can add a single or multiple Forms to request further information from the customer when ordering this Product. Learn more about Forms in this guide: Forms

  6. Stock Levels: You can keep track and maintain the stock levels of this Product. This option is only shown if the Product Type is set to “Physical Product”.

    1. Maintain Stock Levels: Set to “Yes” to keep track of how many of this Product you have in stock.

    2. Stock Level: Enter the stock count of the Product, or each Variant, if applicable.

    3. Prevent Purchase when Out of Stock: If set to yes, when the Stock Level is 0, Users will not be able to purchase this Product until new stock is available and added to the system.

  7. Product Document: This option is only shown if the Product Type is set to “Document”.

    1. Digital Product Document: Enter the text that will be emailed to the user when they purchase this Product.

  8. Visibility: Set who can see and purchase this Product

    1. Product Visibility: Set who can see this Product.

      1. Promote Product: If set to “Yes”, this Product will be shown on the “Browse Shop” page, as well as when a user goes to the departments it is listed in.

      2. Available From: Set when this Product is available from. This field is optional.

      3. Available Until: Set when this Product is no longer available. This field is optional.

    2. Restrict Purchasers: Set who can purchase this Product.

      1. Purchaser Member List: Select a Member List to define the users who are allowed to purchase this product. Leave set to “Everyone” to allow anyone who has access to the Shop to be able to buy this Product.

      2. Obsolete Product: Set to “Yes” when this Product is no longer being sold. For now, leave set to “No”.

  9. Save: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Product.

  10. Repeat the steps to add all Products to the Shop.


  1. Navigate to “Shop > Manage Club Shop”.

  2. Select the Vendor you want to look at orders for.

  3. Locate the order you want to process. You can use filters to help, and even save the View to make it easier to find similar orders in the future. Learn more about Views in this guide: Views

  4. View: Click “View” to see the details of the Purchase, including payment details.

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  5. Record Dispatch: Click when you have dispatched the Product.

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    1. Complete the wizard:

      1. Quantity: Enter the Quantity of items are being dispatched. This may be fewer than the full amount ordered.

      2. Date/ Time: Enter the Date and Time that the item/s were dispatched.

      3. Notes: Enter any notes.

      4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to record the dispatch.

  6. Cancel/ Amend: Click when you want to cancel all or part of the order.

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    1. Complete the wizard:

      1. Cancelled Quantity: Enter how many of the item are being cancelled. This may be only part of the order, or could be all of it.

      2. Refund per Unit: Enter the refund amount per item. This would allow for a partial refund to the item.

      3. Reason: Enter the reason for the cancellation or amendment.

      4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to make the cancellation or amendment.
